There will be a HAWK Klub party at the Radisson Hotel after the Iowa-Penn State dual meet Friday, February 9. Dan Gable will be the guest speaker.

The Radisson is at 1220 1st Ave. in Coralville just North of I-80 by Exit 242.

Going to a HAWK Party is part of your fan experience of attending a big Iowa Wrestling meet. I highly recommend all of their socials to all Iowa Wrestling fans.


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HAWK Klub (Hawkeye Area Wrestling Klub) was formed in 1978 and is the oldest college wrestling fan support organization in the country. 

For membership information about HAWK Klub:

I have great memories as a student at Iowa hearing legendary voice of Iowa Wrestling Phil Haddy announce during a dual meet:

“There will be a HAWK Klub Party after tonight’s meet.”

It is great to be an Iowa Wrestling fan.

Go Hawks!